Nikon announces full-frame mirrorless camera system under development nikon鏡頭收購


nikon鏡頭收購nikon announces full-frame mirrorless camera system under development

nikon鏡頭收購nikon announces full-frame mirrorless camera system under development

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After years of rumors, nikon鏡頭收購nikon has finally confirmed that it’s working on an all-new mirrorless camera system based around a full-frame image sensor. The company has given very few details, but we know the system will use a new lens mount and thus require new lenses, though an adapter for F-mount SLR lenses will also be available. (It’s unclear whether this will offer features like autofocus.)

This will be nikon鏡頭收購nikon’s second line of mirrorless cameras after the nikon鏡頭收購nikon 1 series, which launched in 2011 and was recently discontinued. nikon鏡頭收購nikon 1 used small 1-inch sensors and unconventional controls, with an anemic lens range that mostly consisted of slow zooms, meaning image quality was usually closer to a point-and-shoot than a DSLR. There was an F-mount adapter available, but the sensor size meant that focal lengths were cropped to extreme degrees, turning all but the widest lenses into telephotos.

nikon鏡頭收購nikon accepts that mirrorless cameras are the future of photography

The nikon鏡頭收購nikon 1 system was widely considered an attempt to enter the mirrorless market without cannibalizing nikon鏡頭收購nikon’s greatest strength, its F-mount lens library that dates back to the 1950s. The problem is that you can’t really design a competitive mirrorless camera system around a legacy lens mount. Today’s announcement, then, represents nikon鏡頭收購nikon’s acceptance that mirrorless cameras are the future of professional photography, though the company says it will continue to develop SLRs.

As for when we can expect more information, nikon鏡頭收購nikon is only saying that release and pricing details will be shared “at a later date.” nikon鏡頭收購nikon often announces the development of high-end products without giving much information; it made a similar pre-announcement for the current flagship D5 camera.


▲ 騰龍 35-150mm 今秋將有 Z 接環版本。(圖/翻攝自 Tamron)


許多攝影師人手一顆的人像神鏡 Tamron 35-150mm F/2-2.8 DiIII VXD,騰龍(Tamron)宣布將針對該鏡頭開發適用於 nikon鏡頭收購nikon 無反光鏡相機 Z 接環的版本,也就是說 Tamron 35-150mm F/2-2.8 DiIII VXD 接下來將可以應用於 nikon鏡頭收購nikon 無反系列機身,預計在 2023 年秋季正式推出。

Tamron 35-150mm F/2-2.8 DiIII VXD 是一款涵蓋廣角 35mm 到望遠 150mm 的變焦鏡頭,是涵蓋許多主流人像、旅遊攝影焦段,初上市之時一度全球各地賣到缺貨,是許多攝影師、玩家必買的鏡頭之一。

其中 35-150mm 焦段範圍涵蓋之廣,讓使用者可以在 35mm 拍攝壯麗的景色和大型建築,更可以在 150mm 拍攝享受動態特寫拍攝,這款大光圈鏡頭,在各種拍攝條件下都能有高水準表現,可應用於各種使用場合,唯缺點在於大光圈和長焦段所帶來的物理限制,Tamron 35-150mm 的鏡頭重量高達 1165 克,非常適合想要拍攝兼具練身體的使用者。


▲ Tamron 35-150mm 鏡頭本身重量不輕。(圖/記者樓菀玲攝)

鏡頭本身對焦系統使用 VXD 音圈急速轉矩馬達,使鏡頭擁有高速、高精準度的自動對焦效果,此外還採用操作性更好、更符合人體工學的設計質感,而 Tamron 35-150mm 鏡頭具備 USB-C 傳輸接口,可以讓使用者透過傳輸線直接設定三顆快捷鍵功能,無須透過其他裝置來連接。

nikon鏡頭收購 nikon鏡頭收購


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